Pain? We Can Help!
Whether you have headaches, back pain, foot pain, neck pain, joint pain, shoulder pain, pain from arthritis or menstrual cramps, we can help!
Pain is a feeling triggered by the nervous system. It may be sharp or dull, off-and-on or steady, as well as localized or widespread. Pain can last for weeks, months, or even years. Sometimes, pain alerts us to injuries and illnesses that need attention. Chronic pain may be due to an ongoing condition, such as arthritis, abnormal activity in pain-sensing regions of the brain, or the cause may not be known.
To suppress pain, many take over-the-counter medications — either acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Stronger medications, including NSAIDs in higher dosages and narcotics, are available by prescription only.
Acupuncture is the first alternative to drugs for pain relief.
According to the National Health Interview Survey, 3.1 million Americans used acupuncture for pain relief in 2006. Nowdays, acupuncture is a widely known pain remedy used all over the world. Learn More About Acupuncture...
Click Here to Schedule Appointment or call 443-474-4122.
Related Articles on the Internet
1. AARP - Acupuncture Does Help With Pain
2. Women's Health - Relieve Pain: Does Acupuncture Work?
3. University of Maryland: Acupuncture - A Complementary Option to Improve Pain Relief & Function
4. Acupuncture Today: Acupuncture and Foot Pain
5. ABC News: Acupuncture May Actually Work for Pain After All
Natalie Simak, M.Ac, L.Ac, Dipl.Ac, RN
Summary of Qualifications
• Over 25 Years of combined Medical Experience
• Master's Degree in Acupuncture, MUIH
• Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Johns Hopkins
• NCCAOM Certified Diplomate of Acupuncture
and Oriental Medicine -
• Member of MD Acupuncture Society
• Extensive Training in Fertility Issues
• Certified NADA and Aroma Therapist
• Taught Classes at the MUIH
• MD Licensed Acupuncturist and Registered Nurse

Natalie Simak is a licensed acupuncturist and registered nurse. She treats her patients at the Four Gates Wellness Center in Columbia MD. She has been working in the health care field for over twenty-five years.
She received a Master's Degree of Acupuncture from the Tai Sophia Institute (later renamed to Maryland University of Integrated Health), and she is a Diplomate of Acupuncture from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
Ms. Simak is trained as a certified National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) specialist and an Aroma therapist. She is a current member of the Maryland Acupuncture Society and National Certification Commision for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
Her medical background includes a Bachelor's degree in Nursing from the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing in 1997 and 17 years of experience working as a registered nurse at the adult medical unit at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland.
Read more about Natalie Simak...